Micron product security center
At Micron, 我们对卓越的承诺根植于我们对全面安全解决方案的坚定奉献, 由我们对质量的不懈关注驱动.
在当今以数据为中心的世界中,安全性至关重要. IT managers, 首席信息官(cio), chief information security officers (CISOs) and everyday consumers face ever-increasing threats from cybercriminals attempting to access and acquire private, sensitive and valuable data. 这些威胁需要分层数据保护,以保护飞行中的数据, 在存储器或存储器设备之间传输的数据, and stored data, 它驻留在存储或记忆设备中.
美光将强大的安全功能集成到我们的沙巴体育结算平台设计中, 例如实现安全引导过程, 建立信任的硬件根, 在适用的情况下加密数据, 并实现标准化的安全特性.1 我们的“设计安全”方法将安全集成为核心沙巴体育结算平台和业务需求, 增强我们对不断变化的安全威胁的抵御能力.
We take security seriously. 如果您有问题或担忧,请在我们的 沙巴体育结算平台安全和漏洞报告站点.
Note that no hardware, software, 或系统可以提供绝对的安全性,以应对所有威胁, so education on best practices to avoid things like spearfishing attacks is critical for individuals and organizations.
1 美光不对丢失、被盗或损坏的数据承担任何责任.
美光DRAM沙巴体育结算平台达到或超过JEDEC标准,该标准是由业界共同开发的. 该联盟包括一个专门负责安全和数据完整性的任务小组. 除了内置的安全特性外,DRAM的固有操作需要恒定的功率. 物理地将设备从系统中移除将干扰已编程的内容.
美光是存储器行业中第一个将DRAM沙巴体育结算平台认证为ASIL D的公司, 最高级别的ISO 26262功能安全要求. Our proprietary product safety features use existing JEDEC supported pins and mode registers and are developed to improve diagnostic coverage of transient and permanent faults. 其中一个特性就是我们的Testmode Entry Flag. This feature will alert the host to the use of modes that could represent attacks if the host did not specifically request these actions.
DRAM security related assets
美光客户信任我们的沙巴体育结算平台来存储和帮助保护他们最关键和最敏感的数据. 这就是为什么我们在ssd的设计中加入了强大的加密和身份验证功能, 以及符合行业标准的数据处理方法. We also test the security of our data center SSDs and other select products at key development milestones to ensure they are hardened against known attacks.
我们的美光品牌SSD沙巴体育结算平台组合包括强大的安全功能,旨在满足客户的需求, 哪些通常超出了行业组织为可信计算平台指定的范围.1 我们使用多种方法来增强沙巴体育结算平台组合中各种ssd的数据安全性.
1 对于目前的美光固态硬盘组合. 参考的标准是本页SSD部分中提到的标准, such as TCG, SPDM and eDrive.
2 The DMTF website 提供有关SPDM的更多信息.
3 Trusted Computing Group 安全标准(“TCG标准”)包括TCG存储安全子系统Opal类, Pyrite, and Enterprise.
4 This page on Microsoft's website 提供有关BitLocker的更多详细信息.
Micron NAND器件广泛应用于各种需要高性价比非易失性存储器的系统中. Micron NAND devices are designed to meet and exceed the ONFI and JEDEC standards for NAND that are collaboratively developed by those open-membership industry-leading consortiums.
Micron NAND器件实现了数据完整性的常用最佳实践, 错误恢复和访问控制, allowing host data to reside in a robust device that will meet the performance and reliability needs of the wide variety of systems that use NAND. 以下是部分NAND沙巴体育结算平台中较为显著的安全特性:
NAND related assets
Micron offers a full range of secure managed NAND products to meet the storage needs of a broad array of solutions. 我们完全管理的设备-包括美元, eMMC, and UFS — handle media management and error correction code (ECC) internally to help make technology transitions more seamless.
Managed NAND products released after April 2019 support an authenticated firmware update mechanism as described in NIST 800-193平台固件弹性指南.
Note that not all security features are implemented on all managed NAND product families or all product SKUs within a family.
NOR设备通常用于高可靠性的系统引导环境中, 需要低延迟和粒度数据访问. 而针对核心NOR功能的安全行业标准却很少, 美光NOR器件支持数据完整性和访问控制的常用最佳实践, allowing user content to reside in a robust device that will perform the system-critical boot process in a reliable manner.
NOR security-related asset
At Micron, we realize that addressing the challenges of today’s digital landscape requires steadfast commitment to protecting the trust relationship we have with our customers
View more >如果您有与美光资产相关的安全问题或漏洞的信息, send an email to security@matalabeachvolley.com.
请提供尽可能多的有关漏洞的信息, 包括受影响的任何沙巴体育结算平台名称和版本.
美光科技致力于确保公司所有资产的最佳安全, including products, processes, tools, intellectual property, 特权或机密信息. 我们致力于解决出现的问题.
Micron is steadfastly committed to assessing and remediating a discovered or reported security vulnerability to minimize the impact on our customers and product users. 以说明我们对沙巴体育结算平台安全的承诺, 我们在美光的漏洞处理过程中包含了一些相关的实践,如下图所示.
如果您有问题或担忧,请在我们的 沙巴体育结算平台安全和漏洞报告站点. 有关这些做法的更多详细信息,请与您的美光客户代表联系.